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Are you a OneMissionStudent? Looking for an opportunity to serve in Alabama or across the globe this summer, Christmas break, semester or beyond? If so, follow each link listed below to find more information (requirements, financial assistance, etc.) and even begin the application process. If you have any questions contact your local Baptist Campus Minister or Chris Mills, [email protected]. We look forward to partnering with you as you seek to serve as a OneMissionStudent!

As a follower of Jesus Christ your one mission is clear: The Great Commission—Go and Make Disciples! One Mission Students seeks to encourage Alabama college students to discover this one mission, mobilize them to live out this mission among the nations and help them consider how this one mission impacts the rest of their life.

As you are exploring opportunities to engage in student missions, let us encourage you in these areas today. First, be intentional in engaging in your role in this One Mission where you are. The college campus is one of the largest mission fields in our state. Secondly, pray with us as we explore and work to connect you to future opportunities. We are encouraged by the continued stories as you live your life on mission and look forward to continued ways God uses YOU here and now!

As we continue to work through details for next summer, this page as well as our social media channels will be updated with opportunities to engage beyond your campus. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.