Semester Missions

One Mission Students must be:

    • Maturing Christians
    • Active in an Alabama BCM or Alabama Baptist Church
    • Be of good physical and emotional health
    • Participate in personal evangelism on your college campus
    • Students must refrain from any use of alcohol, tobacco, pornography, sexual contact outside of marriage, and/or any other activity that will call into question your integrity or hinder one’s witness for Christ.
    • Completed one semester of college
    • Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher

Are you seeking an opportunity to serve for a semester or beyond?

There are multiple options for you depending on where, what type of work, etc.

All students serving through One Mission Students qualify for financial assistance if they meet the criteria listed above.

Email Chris Mills with your interest for service in North America or International for a semester or more and we will discuss potential projects for you.