Student Spotlight: Robin Brantley

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Robin is one of our summer missionaries serving in New York City! We had the chance to interview her and get her thoughts on summer missions and more! Check it out.

Q: What events led to your calling to serve in Utah this summer?

A: I was able to serve in Queens for one week in the summer of 2019. I fell in love with the area, and I was excited to see how open people were to the Gospel. I knew that I wanted to go back.

Q: What role has your college/campus ministry played in helping you understand this calling?

A: Baptist Campus Ministries allowed me to find an opportunity to serve through GenSend for the summer.

Q: What ways can we pray for you as you serve?

A: You can pray that I will be bold in sharing the Gospel and that my eyes will be opened for opportunities to show Christ’s love.

Q: What would you say to others contemplating serving on mission?

A: I  would say to definitely pray about it. Do not be afraid to go! You are never alone, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

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