Student Spotlight: Dee Fergerson

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Dee is one of our summer missionaries serving in Utah! We had the chance to interview him and get his thoughts on summer missions and more! Check it out.

Q: What events led to your calling to serve in Utah this summer?

A: Being in Provo for spring break and seeing the lost state of souls all across the city due to the deception of the LDS church. The state of Utah is beautiful with the scenery and mountains but yet they are in the top 10 in the U.S. for death rate by suicide. It didn’t sit well in my heart knowing these facts and I’m going back out there in hopes to see lives truly changed by the power of God.

Q: What role has your college/campus ministry played in helping you understand this calling?

A: The intentionality from the college pastors has helped me out a lot. On the mission field, you have to be intentional about your relationships, and having that while going through the semester has been very beneficial to me.

Q: What ways can we pray for you as you serve?

A: Pray for me to put myself to the side and let the Holy Spirit work and dwell within me throughout the duration of my service in Provo, Utah.

Q: What would you say to others contemplating serving on mission?

A: Pray diligently about it and be 100% invested and intentional while you are serving. The mission field isn’t something you do just for fun, just because, or to post about later on social media. It’s serious business. Lives need to be saved and souls need to be rescued by Christ. He is allowing you to represent Him in front of others who may not know the Gospel. Have a great time but don’t take the task lightly.

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