Every year, they answer God’s call to go. They are young collegiate students from across Alabama. They come from our college and university campuses. They are trained and prepared by the Collegiate & Student Ministries Office of your Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions.
Chris Mills is our veteran point man in this vital ministry. Recently in chapel, he shared some very moving testimonies from some of these students who spent their summer ministering in 19 countries and 10 states. One hundred and four of them went to locations in North America and around the world.
As you know, there are countries which are not open to the Gospel, and therefore that made ministry of our students even more difficult. Undaunted by these distinct challenges, our dedicated students shared the Gospel with those of other cultures and religions and with those who claim to be atheists and agnostics.
Cumulatively, there were more than a thousand Gospel conversations where our students, undeterred by obstacles, openly gave testimony to the saving power of the Gospel. That is a demonstration of courage for Christ.
The impact of these experiences will only be known in eternity. Yet this we do know: 80 people professed faith in Christ. That means there are 80 new citizens in the Kingdom of God. It also means there are 80 new witnesses in their own cultures making Christ known.
We cannot share the names of all these students for many reasons, not the least of which is the concern about the safety of people in their respective countries due to built-in aversion to the Christian message. You can still pray for these students who are on mission for Christ. You can pray for the new converts. Pray that they will grow in Christ and be stalwart witnesses for Christ in their own lands.
Added to their number were high school and college students who spent time this summer in Huntsville doing ministry projects in areas of need. Next year, students like these will be a part of the team of participants in Crossover 2024 during the days leading up to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting.

Josh Meadows, your student ministry specialist at the State Board of Missions, gave guidance to this strategic ministry in Huntsville. He will be the leader of our efforts in Crossover 2024 in Indianapolis. We appreciate Josh. Although he is relatively new to us, his ministry thus far has made a huge difference in the lives of young students and others.
As you pray for and invest in your students (middle school, high school, and collegiate), your Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions wants to come alongside you and offer opportunities for them to serve next summer. Be sure to check out:
- www.bcmlink.org for ways for your collegiate student to connect right now with on-campus ministries.
- www.onemissionstudents.org for opportunities for your collegiate students to serve this Christmas and summer. Summer info will be available in October.
- www.ymlink.org for opportunities for your youth ministries to serve on mission next summer.
In thinking about all the students who go out in the name of Christ in summer and beyond, I am drawn to the account of the early disciples, Peter and John who gave witness to Christ before the religious leaders in Acts 4:13 (NKJV): “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John … they realized that they had been with Jesus.”

These summer difference makers are following the example of Peter and John. They are bold in their witness because “they have been with Jesus.” May we do the same as we walk with Christ in our own journey of faith.
Rick Lance
Philippians 3:13-14
Reposted from RickLance.com.