Sarah Farley #OMSReassigned

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Hey everybody, my name’s Sarah, and I’m coming to you from Athens, Georgia. I’m your student mobilizer for the Southeast, and like so many of you, my spring and summer plans have completely been altered and changed and canceled by COVID, and so in this season, I am also wrestling with what is the Lord trying to teach me and what can I get from this season? And so, two things kind of popped into mind.

The first one is love my neighbor as myself. What does it mean to love others as Jesus would love them and as I would love myself, in my community, in my neighborhood, in my family; how can I show the love of Jesus and bring the gospel in my context right now? And so, praying for opportunities and taking advantage of every opportunity I can have.

And the second thing is to have hope in the end of the story and not in a timeline. COVID has completely changed the idea of timelines for me. It’s hard to plan right now, it’s hard to figure out what our next steps are, but we can cling to the end, and we know that Jesus is the answer to the end. God is in control of all things, He is not stopped by COVID, He is continuing to push forward, and we know that because of Revelations 7:9, that all people, tongues, tribes, and nations are gonna be represented in heaven, so we know He’s still moving and we can have hope in that. And we know that the hope and the answer to surviving COVID and to getting through this is Jesus and clinging to Him and sharing that with everybody else has been something that the Lord’s really been teaching me.

And so, just wanted to encourage you with that and know that you guys, we’re all in this together and we can get through this COVID season in state-side summer together and bring the gospel to our context right now, ’cause how amazing is this that we are all currently serving in the same country? God is up to something incredible here in America. I’m excited that we get to be a part of it.

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