Laekan, IMB Student Strategist #OMSReassigned

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When I moved to Sub-Saharan Africa, everything looked different from what my normal was and I was learning a language that I didn’t know for the first time and the phrase that stuck with me more than anything was It stuck with me because it was something that was familiar that I had always known: “God is good, all the time.”

Well, here we are in 2020 and though I’ve worked in Sub-Saharan Africa for three and a half years, working with college students from around America who wanna come and serve, we’re in another time where well, nothing really seems like what it was and everything seems new.

Phrases come at me all the time, probably like they come at you through email of “in these unprecedented times” or “in times like these” or “we’re in this together” and it seems overwhelming at times but the phrase that stuck with me the most is an email that came recently to me from a pastor friend as he continued to tell me that he was praying for me and their church was praying for our work in Sub-Saharan Africa and he ended it with simply saying “stay the course.”

I thought about the disciples when Jesus died and then He rose again and then at the end in Matthew when He gave the great commission just before He ascended. I’m assuming for them, they probably felt the same way on a lot of levels. This is new, this is unknown, this isn’t our normal. God gave them the command, yes, to go and make disciples of all nations but He gave them a promise, He said “but remember I am with you always, “to the end of the age.”

It’s been something I’ve held on to as we look at these times, where things don’t look like what we expected them to but even though it doesn’t look the same, God has always been good and so I would encourage you, the way that the Lord has instructed me, to stay the course, remember what He’s done in your life, preach the gospel to yourself and as you go and make disciples of all nations, however that looks these days, stay the course because He’s faithful.

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