Jesse Powell #OMSReassigned

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Hey, my name is Jesse Powell and I work with the North American Mission Board as the City Missionary out in Phoenix, Arizona.

I’m sitting right now in my home, which is where I have spent almost every minute of every day for the last two months. This has really been a unique time for me, as I’m sure it has been for you.

As I reflect back on the last two months, the middle of March when all this started happening, my first thought was all the things I’m gonna miss out all the events that were canceled, the travel that I was looking forward to that I wasn’t gonna be able to do. And you may be the same way, but slowly God began to really impress upon me, just the fact that, and a reminder that He knew this was coming.

This was a total surprise to me, but it wasn’t to Him. So while I had plans, in my own head, He had other plans for me. And so this has been a time, for me really to just look within my own home, my wife, my four kids, they need me to be present and to shepherd them spiritually and also have neighbors who love to hang out outside and enjoy the beautiful Phoenix weather.

So these last two months have been really rich in those areas being able to spend a lot of time with my kids, and also get to develop relationships with our neighbors who really need the hope of the gospel.

So while I’m sure you’ve given up some really important things over these last two months, and perhaps, even more, going forward, I would just encourage you to really ask God to show you what it is that he needs you to do right now. I’m sure He’s put people in your life that need the gospel.

I just wanna encourage you, don’t get discouraged. God knew this was happening and he has a big plan for your life during this unique season.

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