Summer…the season of student missions!

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Summer is here. For many, that means hot days and trips to the pool and grilling out and maybe even a trip to the beach.

I try to take advantage of all that too (except for the heat!), but for me summer is the season of student missions.

In our office, summer is the culmination of many months of training, planning and prayer. Now, our prayer focus turns from the logistical details of getting there to specific requests from students serving across the globe. 

Those who have served in short-term missions know of the impact the experience can have on you personally as well as those you serve. 

Just this week I received a report of a mighty work of God from a team that recently returned from a trip to an island off the southern coast of the U.S.

I want to share a story from State Missionary Gary Brittain, Baptist campus minister at Jacksonville State University, who was a co-leader of the team:

One day, while out sharing without being accompanied by another from our team, I entered an apartment of a brother.

There were eight people gathered in the apartment, and I was introduced and invited to share the Gospel.

From where I was seated, I was able to see the face of our host. He prayed while I was sharing and kept looking around at his family and friends.

When I invited people to respond, three people responded. One was his son, another his son’s mother-in-law and the third was a man he had worked with.

Tears of joy flowed down his cheeks as he saw people he loved come to know Jesus, and I was given the privilege of sharing the Gospel with them.

This story is a beautiful picture of just one of the many times God used this team to see many people come to faith as they served. The numbers reported by this team help us see how God is at work using students as they step out in obedience to serve.

  • 100 visits
  • 893 heard Gospel
  • 223 professions of faith

To God be the glory for what He has done!

Will you join me in praying for the many students from across our state who are serving this summer in Alabama, across the U.S. and around the globe?

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