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Spain :: Engage with Indigenous Speakers Using Your Gifts :: June 2-July 2

June 2, 2025 -
July 2, 2025

OMS Cost (amount you raise):$3300

Total Cost Estimate: $4720 (includes housing, most meals, transportation, and travel insurance)

This team will be focusing on Catalan speakers in Catalunya within Spain. Participants will use their gifts and interests to connect with local people while engaging in prayer and missional conversations. Art, music, and sport are all great ways to connect with people and appreciate their culture and way of life. This act of listening and appreciation can be a good first step to a missional conversation about life with Jesus and our Creator. Our desire is to see new work open among European minority language groups – your participation in this project is part of our strategy to see that work begin!

As the trade language in Andorra is Spanish, it would be very helpful and advisable if interested students (1) already possessed some good proficiency in Spanish before arrival (level A2 or higher), or (2) would be willing to commit to go through our “crash-course” (free and by distance learning) in Spanish before arrival on field. No knowledge of Catalan is required or expected before arrival, as an intensive introduction to Catalan will be offered as part of the initial, on-field orientation.

Special requirements: Students that serve on this project need to be prepared to learn Spanish/Catalan language. This is a pioneer project – students will need to be bold and self-starters.

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