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South Asia :: City Outreach :: July 18-30

July 18, 2025 -
July 30, 2025

OMS Cost (amount you raise):$1850

Total Cost Estimate: $2500 (includes housing, most meals, transportation, and travel insurance)

Come reach lost South Asian peoples in a city filled with darkness. Your days will be filled exploring the city to find people to share the gospel with. You will engage with people in a coffee shop, at the park, in the mall, at the beach, in their home, or riding public transportation. While in country you will have the opportunity to work alongside local believers as you go with them into their city to share the love of Christ. The possibilities are endless, and the impact is eternal.

Special requirements: Students that serve on this project need to be bold, self-starters with a willingness to learn. They also need to be able to walk several kilometers each day.

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