Salcha, AK :: Camp Baldwin Staff :: May 31-July 22

May 31, 2025 -
July 22, 2025

OMS Cost (amount you raise):$950

Total Cost Estimate: $1359 (includes field costs, travel, and travel insurance)

Camp Baldwin is a faith-based overnight camping ministry for children and youth in grades K-12. You will receive one week of intensive training upon arrival. You will be immersed in camping ministry, which will include leading Bible studies for various age groups and behind-the-scenes work at the mission. You will also assist with VBS, community ministries, and weekend work projects. On weekends, there will be time for sightseeing, fellowship, Bible study, and helping with youth and children's Sunday School. The emphasis for our counselors is spiritual growth and servant leadership.

Special requirements: Students that serve on this project will need to come expecting to serve on camp staff – knowing that will include ministry to campers, but also all of the background for camp (cooking, cleaning, etc.)

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