Romania :: Use Your Gifts to Engage Romania :: June 27-July 5

June 27, 2025 -
July 5, 2025

OMS Cost (amount you raise):$2150

Total Cost Estimate: $3132 (includes field costs, travel, and travel insurance)

This team of students will be made up of students from students from across Alabama. It is designed to be an opportunity for a student that is looking for an entry point to overseas service or a student that has some time constraints for longer service over the summer. As the team comes together the specifics of the project will be adapted to make the best use of the gifts and skills of the students. There will be a focus on sharing with children and the least of these (refugees, those living in poverty, etc.) Come ready to smile, laugh, WALK, and share the good news of Jesus with children that are yet to hear the gospel!

Special requirements: Students that serve on this project need to be willing to use whatever gifts they have (sports, art, music, ESL, etc.) to further Gospel impact in Romania.

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