New Jersey/NYC Metro :: Reach Unreached Peoples in the US :: June 9-July 11

June 9, 2025 -
July 11, 2025

OMS Cost (amount you raise):$1950

Total Cost Estimate: $2796 (includes field costs, travel, and travel insurance)

Global migration is not a random event of history, but a movement of people that God has ordained. Even as God allows people to move around the globe, He prepares His Church to welcome them and share the Good News of Jesus with them. We will teach you skills that are practiced by cross cultural missionaries around the world (broad Gospel seed sowing, etc.). You will live out these skills with your new neighbors. Come and serve alongside missions personnel seeking to engage Unreached, Unengaged Peoples in the US! Students on this team will also help host short term volunteer teams that come to engage Central Asian people.

Special requirements: Students that serve on this project need to know that you will be serving among unreached and unengaged peoples from Central Asia. This will be a pioneer work. You must be bold and a self-starter.

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