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Mountainair, New Mexico :: Eagles’ Wings Youth Ranch Camp Staff :: May 24-August 2 (FULL)

May 24, 2025 -
August 2, 2025

OMS Cost (amount you raise):$500

Total Cost Estimate: $813 (includes field costs, travel, and travel insurance)

Eagles’ Wings exists to help vulnerable youth develop stable relationships with their family, community, and Creator through a free summer camp experience. Student missionaries will share Christ’s story with vulnerable, at-risk young people at a free summer camp. You will use adventure recreation, low-high ropes, archery, horsemanship, your God-given talents and skills, as well as numerous other activities to build cross-cultural relationships with the campers. Campers will learn sportsmanship and communication skills and begin to build lasting relationships with each other, with you, and in many cases, with God. During daily devotionals, small groups, games, and everyday conversation, God will open doors for you to share His gospel. Your gifts may also be used on Sundays at local churches that have a heart for the children we serve. All staff and missionaries will meet together each week to study God’s word. You will be challenged to learn about the sufficiency of scripture, the call to holiness, living out the gospel, and discipling the nations.

Special requirements: Students that serve on this project need to understand that many of those they will be serving among have come from very difficult situations.

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