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Cincinnati :: GenSend Cincinnati :: June 13 – July 25

June 13, 2025 -
July 25, 2025

OMS Cost (amount you raise):$1275

Total Cost Estimate: $1826 (includes housing, most meals, transportation, and travel insurance)

Called America’s first major inland city and America’s original Boomtown, Cincinnati was established along the Ohio River. In the early 19th century, people arrived on paddle wheelers after the War of 1812 and decided to make this place their home. America’s first Boomtown may soon become its next. Its urban areas are being revitalized. New, forward-thinking transportation policies are being instituted. Massive projects like The Banks, Queen City Square and the Central Riverfront Park are redefining the cityscape. Yet despite its impressive potential, followers of Jesus Christ are praying that Cincinnati will also experience a gospel boom. Just 13.7 percent of the 2 million residents in the metro area are affiliated with an evangelical church, and more than half of the city’s residents do not affiliate with a religion of any kind. Join the North American Mission Board’s GENSEND Summer Team and serve in Cincinnati where you will learn to live life on mission with a team of students as you explore your calling and serve alongside church planters and missionaries in the Greater Cincinnati area. In this immersive exploration, you will learn mission principles and discover what it means to live intentionally in community while sharing the Gospel.

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