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Chiapas, Mexico :: SS ’25 Bible Storying in Rural Mexico :: May 27-Jul 17

May 27, 2025 -
July 17, 2025

OMS Cost (amount you raise):$1950

Total Cost Estimate: $2804 (includes housing, most meals, transportation, and travel insurance)

We are working with unreached indigenous peoples that live in the rural mountains of Southern Mexico. The Zoque desire to live a more simple life and believe their good works will earn them eternity. Our team shares Bible stories, visits people in their homes, and hosts special events with youth, children, and adults. We pursue entry points to share the gospel, disciple new believers, bridge the cultural gap, and earn trust in the community. We invite you to join us this summer! Your daily activities might include prayer walking, visiting homes to tell Bible stories, and sharing meals. If you have experience with music, sports or crafts, there may be opportunities to use those skills in outreach activities. Additionally, you can expect to be trained and mentored by IMB missionaries.        

Special requirements: You must be bold and a self-starter. This project is in a rural setting - meaning not only will life be slow, but you many Western conveniences will be unavailable.  Spanish is helpful, but not required.

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