1,150+ Professions of Faith

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Summer has come and gone. The heat will linger for a little while, but school is back in session. Student summer missionaries are back in class and learning to adjust back to life on campus. Reports from student missionaries have trickled in over the past month, and the stories from these students always amaze me.

One student serving in South Asia had this to share about a recent training opportunity: “My partner and I trained a local believer in how to share the story, and the very next day he began sharing with his circle of influence!”

This same student is a part of a team that has seen more than 20 church plants in the past year in a major city in South Asia.

God is at work!

One Mission Student summer missionaries have seen multiple pictures like this of people across the globe coming to Christ and immediately sharing their faith with others. This has led to more than 1,150 professions of faith reported so far!

Will you join me in praying for follow-up efforts that are taking place now by local believers? Will you join me in praying for those students who saw God move in mighty ways this summer to live in obedience back in their hometown spheres of influence?

God is at work and, in ways that only He can, He is allowing us to join Him.

What a privilege it is to know that He allows us to go across the street or across the globe, to pray for His work here and abroad, to give to further that work! We are a blessed people!

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