Spring Break 2017 Missions Experience

spring break 2017 easter

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This spring has brought a lot of life change for me and my family. We welcomed our little boy into the world in late March. He is a blessing to our family and is tangible evidence of lives changed – both his and ours!

As I’ve gotten back in the office and begun to review reports from Baptist Campus Ministries Spring Break missions experiences, I hear of other lives being changed.

Though these lives haven’t been changed by the birth of children, there have been reports of new life as a result of these students stepping out in obedience during this year’s Spring Break.

Reports estimate that more than 4,500 people were ministered to through Spring Break mission efforts. These reports also reflect 98 professions of faith!

Students served from blizzard settings in New York to disaster relief work in South Carolina as well as ministry experiences in Phoenix, New Orleans, Nicaragua, the United Kingdom and numerous other places.

When I think about the impact that these students had in these settings, I think back about the impact that Spring Break and summer missions experiences have had in my life. Those experiences have played a direct role in who I am today.

As we celebrate the Easter season and life change that we have through the resurrection of Christ, let’s pray for the many who have been impacted by these students’ service and for these students – that God may use these experiences for His glory and the furthering of His Kingdom.

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