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International Friends Retreat

International Friends Retreat

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If you have had many conversations with me about ministry to international students, you know my passion for that ministry.

There is great excitement growing across our state and nation concerning the many nations represented on our campuses.

Campus ministers and church collegiate ministers across our state have sought to be intentional in this area in a variety of ways.
One unique tool that we have used is the International Friends Retreat. We wrapped up our fourth annual retreat at the beginning of this month.

The focus of the International Friends Retreat is building relationships.

At WorldSong Missions Place, we get to explore one of the best camps in Alabama – zip lining, canoeing, hiking and the best camp food. (Miss Dot’s chicken fingers are the best!)

This year we also had former Sub-Saharan Africa leadership from IMB help international students learn how to better cope with a different culture while helping American students understand what challenges international students are facing.

We added in knockerball and a square dance, making the fun even more fun!

Students have left the retreat saying it’s the most fun they’ve had since arriving in America.

This year, two Chinese students – who went to middle school together and now attend two different universities here –reconnected in Alabama: at this retreat!

God is bringing the nations to us! Will we be found faithful in engaging in Gospel conversations with them? Will you join me in praying for international student ministry efforts taking place all across our state?

  • Pray for follow-up efforts – that relationships developed at this retreat will be developed into Kingdom relationships
  • Pray for nations represented on our campuses, including more than 20 countries represented at the retreat. Do some research on the countries represented at your area college, and pray for those leaders and students.
  • Pray for campus ministers and church collegiate ministers. Many college ministry leaders across our state are seeking to lead the way in ministry to international students.

Will you pray for them as they befriend, research different cultures/religions and lead American students to engage in Gospel conversations with international students?

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